FOP Italia Onlus

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The rights of the sick ones

The Disease


His/her children tormented by F.O.P. you/they can be declared unable to 100% becoming so exempted from the payment of the sanitary tickets both for the medicines that for the hospital performances. They receive the check of accompaniment, that will transform him retired to the conclusion of the 18° year of life and if not unable to 100% they will perceive the check of frequency.
They have besides the right to all the aids that allow them an easy daily life.
A law exists, besides 104/92, very complex, but that it relatively interests synthetically us in the fact that recognizes the possibility to one of his/her/their parents, if is both workers, to abstain from the job up to the conclusion of the 3° year, or, in alternative, of usufruire of remunerated permissions (2 hours a day up to the 3 years and 3 man days a month from 3° a 18° year).
Besides this law for example offers a series of facilitations riguardanti the purchase of the auto, or of the computer (if is considered didactic aid); in every case near the Asls of competence it is possible to find information mostly detailed.
As it regards the scholastic insertion, if attends government schools, they have the right, since the maternal school to the presence of the assistant to person.
Nothing of everything this is automatic, but it is necessary to apply specific for it and to follow the iter foreseen by the law. Everything will result you easier if you will turn you to the Asl, section civil invalid or contacted us and we will try to be you profits.

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