FOP Italia Onlus

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As to contact us:

F.O.P. Italia
Onlus (Decreto nr. 18 del 16 ottobre 2006 Ass. Politiche Sociali Prov.Autonoma Trento)

Telephone Sede
Dall'Italia 0464685091
Dall'estero +390464685091

Indirizzo postale
Via Massa, 16 - 38063 Sabbionara d'Avio (TN)

E - mail
general information:

Sede secondaria: Via Rivo Rocca Chiesa 21/2 – 16010 Serra Ricco’ (GE)

Altri contatti

Sig. Enrico Cristoforetti (Presidente Fop Italia) tel. 339 7268458
Sig.ra Claudia Pollarolo (Vicepresidente Fop Italia) tel. 010 752356
Sig. Francesco Moresco (consigliere) tel. 347 3892167


This space is to disposition for all those people wants to take direct contacts with the association to the purpose to ask for particular news, to bring his/her own experience, to ask help or simply to express his/her own idea. Leaving your data we can contact you for close examinations.

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